As anticipated in our last post, Suvana Cohousing is now able to share the exciting news that we are collaborating with TOWN, the UK’s leading developer of cohousing, as we explore the delivery of homes for our community on part of their site in the Northstowe development in Greater Cambridge. 

So this means that our vision is a step closer to reality. That’s our vision for a mutually supportive multi-generational community in which residents of individual homes also share and look after common spaces and facilities, living on the basis of universal Buddhist values. 

But this will only happen if enough of us wish to be part of it! 

Architect’s sketch of the cohousing at Northstowe. © Mole Architects

So it means that we are inviting people – particularly younger folk – who want to live in a community of kindness and mindfulness to join us in Northstowe. 

If you aren’t already involved with Suvana, your first step is to become a cocreator. This enables you to be part of codesigning the community and get priority over your choice of home. There’s no commitment. 

We already have over 40 cocreator households, so you’ll be in good company.

Open information session 

If your friends or family are curious about the idea of creating a community of households living based on universal Buddhist values, bring them along to an info session on Saturday, 21st September from 1:30-4:00pm. 

This meeting will include several short presentations to answer questions like the following:

  • What is the vision for the site at Northstowe?
  • What level of income or resources do I need to live there?
  • What are the next steps for Suvana?
  • How can I get involved?

Plus there’ll be a Q&A to answer any other queries you have.

This event is hosted by Cambridge Buddhist Centre, and you can find more info about it on their website, here