“I’m not a Buddhist. So why am I involved in Suvana Cohousing?”


Some people drawn to Suvana’s vision of living well within a shared community based on positive values may worry that they are expected to ‘be a Buddhist’ in some way.

Cocreator Barry explains in this video why, despite not being a Buddhist, he wants to live at Suvana.

If you are curious about the idea of living in a community based on universal Buddhist values, come along to an information session on Saturday, 21st September from 1:30-4:00pm. 

The meeting will feature brief presentations addressing questions such as:

  • What is the vision for the Northstowe site?

  • What resources or income are needed to live there?

  • Next steps?

There’ll be a Q&A to discuss anything that comes up.

This event is hosted by Cambridge Buddhist Centre, and you can find more info about it on their website, here

And bring your friends, whether practicing Buddhist or not!


Sangha at your doorstep


A big step closer!