Suvana Cohousing Vision Statement
The Suvana cocreators’ vision is to live together in a sustainable community of independence, diversity, beauty and creativity, caring about each other and sharing our lives and resources.
The community will be grounded in Buddhist values and ethics yet be open to anyone who wishes to live by the principles laid out in this vision document, whether labelling themselves Buddhist or not.
Last updated 28 November 2024.
Value-based community
The vision is to build a long-term community where we can live together, raise children and grow old in a secure environment, supporting the changing needs of individuals.
A key aim is to create a community that is inspired by and embodies Buddhist values, grounded in loving-kindness and non-harm, generosity, simplicity, truthful and helpful communication and mindfulness.
By caring about one another, everyone has the opportunity to grow and learn together in friendship. This includes interest in each other’s well-being through the running of the project. Our community values include: belonging, community, connection, diversity, trust, collectivity and sustainability.
Our community will be within easy access of Cambridge city centre and the Cambridge Buddhist Centre.
Good public transport links and connections to cycle routes are very important.
We would prefer the site to be near a park or the countryside, away from traffic noise and pollution.
Community activities
We will balance participation in the community with individual needs, and welcome the opportunities for engagement, fun and enjoyment that community life brings. We recognise that time and energy is needed to run a community, and expect that individuals will be willing to participate and contribute.
A diverse range of community activities will be encouraged, for example, gardening, art and meditation.
Our community will be run jointly, with everybody having a voice. Decisions will be made by consensus, wherever practical and possible. A conflict resolution process will be developed and followed. Together we will find ways to live on the basis of friendliness, respect and inclusivity.
We aspire to being a diverse community including a wide range of ages, backgrounds and circumstances. A key aim of our community would be to build strong friendships and get to know a variety of people.
We aim to support all types of family structure within the community.
We would like to have a mix of 20-40 independent, self-contained homes with individual front doors providing privacy within a community setting.
We would like to have some property to let at affordable rent. Priority for these would be given to people without the capital to purchase their own home because they have given much of their lives to developing the Triratna Buddhist movement.
We would like flexible and adaptable homes that support the changing needs of individuals and families at different stages of life to reduce the need to move when life circumstances change.
We envisage a range of shared community facilities that could include: living space, shrine room, kitchen and dining room, guest rooms, laundry, art space, bike store and workshop.
A Common House will supplement private living areas and will be in daily use as the hub of community activity. It will provide space for eating together, entertainment, quiet relaxation, and for children to play safely. We would want shared green open spaces, including a garden and growing space.
We would wish spaces and buildings to be designed to encourage social interaction and to be effective in community building with a keen sense of beauty and aesthetic. For example, we support design which minimises car numbers and usage, and relegates cars to the edge of the site. This would help foster a stronger community where children can play out, adults can get together, and the group can use space productively.
Wider neighbourhood
We would like our community to be a force for good. For example, building a community that goes beyond 'me', and so that the community will continue after our death or departure.
We aspire to contribute positively to the local and wider community. In time we would like our community to become a model that other cohousing projects could benefit from.
We want our buildings to be eco-designed, reducing household energy bills, and reducing our impact on climate change, air quality and carbon footprint.
We would like to steward and nurture the land on which we live. We will use resources wisely by: reducing waste, recycling, conserving energy, choosing active modes of travel (including public transport) where possible, using products with lower environmental impact and simplifying our lifestyles. Efficient use of resources will be encouraged, for instance growing our own organic vegetables.
Creating this community will encourage both friendship and mutual support which might include: helping each other maintain buildings and grounds, sharing skills such as bike repair and gardening, sharing private resources such as cars and spare bedrooms. We aim for many shared community resources, such as laundry, tools and a car pool.